Illegal Immigration Still on the Rise
Illegal immigrants are increasing despite tighter border security and now outnumber foreigners moving to the United States legally."
This does not make me happy. For those of you Libertarians who think illegal immigration is perfectly okay, you are not thinking clearly. United States territory is like our house. We get to say who comes into our house. It's basic property rights.
I have never understood why President Bush wants to help illegal immigrants. His base supporters are largely against this. In fact, he would have lost the last election based on immigration (I suspect) if 9/11 hadn't happened and caused him to put a stop to his horse-trading with President Fox of Mexico.
My problem with illegal immigrants is mainly that they don't speak English. And it's not even that that bothers me. . . it's the fact that my own government wants to bend over backwards to use my money to accommodate them in their language, thus taking away any incentive they might have to learn ours.
With all due respect, your critique of the House doctrine does not exactly fit. In essence you are saying that how we divide the space in the house among the lawful residents is controlling over the way we decide who to admit into our house.
Deciding how to use public property is difficult because, as you point out, we all have title, and none of us have title. However, when dealing with outsiders coming in, the issue is completely different. Public property is public United States property -- not public world property. In our system of government, if the People, or their lawfully elected representatives vote on how, when, and where foreigners may enter the country, then it is binding, because this is our house.
Instead of continuing the bilingual system, we should spend the money telling the people what America is really like. I think it comes from rumors and fantasies of America being a "land of plenty and opportunity".
I completely disagree with Spanish being an official language in some parts of this country. There is a reason that the Founding Fathers didn't make German an official language. It's because they realized not all of America had heavy German influences. So paying for translations and all that would be the equivelant of a giant pork project.
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