Representative Carolyn McCarthy Seeks Abrogation of the Second Amendment by Congress David Schantz over at A Republic, if you can keep it has posted an article warning us about H.R. 1022.(1)
In a word, the bill is an unconstitutional restriction on the Second Amendment, which it's author, Representative Carolyn McCarthy of New York is required to have taken an oath to uphold.(2)
This new ban would go farther than the Clinton gun ban, which in itself was an over broad restraint on the fundamental right of the People to keep and bear arms. "[F]ederal, state and local law enforcement agency studies showed that guns affected by the ban had been used in only a small percentage of crime, before and after the ban was imposed... [T]he nation's murder rate [is] 43% lower than in 1991, and the re-legalized guns [are] still used in only a small percentage of crime."(3) It doesn't make any sense to re-institute the Clinton ban and even less sense to expand its scope to include guns that weren't considered dangerous enough to be included the first time.
Congress-critters like this Carolyn McCarthy need to be removed from office for violating their oath to uphold the Constitution. To introduce a bill that clearly infringes the right of the People to keep and bear arms is an unambiguous attack on the Constitution and therefore a violation of the oath taken to uphold it.
We really need to try to amend the Constitution to allow citizens to sue to remove congress-critters that try to pas laws contrary to the Constitution. That's the only way we will ever stop them from trying things like this. After all, it's not like they're policing themselves... H.R. 1022 is a prime example of this fact.
(1) David Schantz. "H.R. 1022," A Republic, if you can keep it, 2007 February 25,
(2) U.S. Const. art. VI
(3) Schantz.
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