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Saturday, April 30, 2005 Alternative Medicine Physician and noted Microscopist, Rick Santee, Reported Seized by Regulatory Enforcers Story dated 26 April 2005 Caveat Lector (reader beware). I tend to believe that this story is true, because it is nearly identical to many well documented instances that can be found in such sources as Randall Fitzgerald's Mugged by the State. That being said, I have yet to see this published in any major newspaper (not that that means anything, necessarily -- news papers have been known to skew stories, omit facts, or get facts completely wrong). "[Originally published at http://educate-yourself.org/cn/ricksanteearrested26apr05.shtml] Rick Santee is a very competent dark field microscopist. He often attended health expos and worked in the offices of many alternative physicians here in southern California. The work is called "live cell blood analysis". He would take a drop of your blood, place it on a microscope slide and tell you exactly what's going on in your body by examining your blood. He would then give you ideas on how to use food and supplements to improve the heath deteriorations revealed by your blood sample. He was very good at what he did. Apparently, his skill and reputation had spread too far and too wide and it appears that he's attracted the jackals of the California Medical Board who have a long and sordid reputation of using heavily armed thugs with the words "FBI" or "DEA" or "Police" stenciled across the back of their flak jackets to terrorize and arrest innocent people. They then set about ruining your life by arraying a laundry list of bogus and fabricated criminal charges against you in order to drain you of every penny you own and usually force you to plea bargain with them in order to avoid a long prison term (because you don't have the megabucks it takes to mount a serious defense against the unlimited resources of zealous government prosecutors). They also force you to sign an agreement to never again engage in the helpful and humane work that caused you to get arrested in the first place." I go to an alternative medicine physician. He was able to actually diagnose the source of my pain -- something that three years of seeing practitioners of conventional medicine had failed to do, although they were willing to prescribe me drugs to treat the symptoms. What is at stake here is not only Rick Santee's freedom, but also the freedom of you and me to choose where we will seek medical assistance. If Rick Santee were really a threat to public safety, I'm sure there would be records of medical malpractice suits -- you know, those lawsuits that are always being filed against licensed physicians -- against him. Malpractice seems to have nothing to do with why he was arrested, but my information on this matter is limited. According to the information I have, Rick Santee will be "arraigned in Van Nuys court 100 on May 19th," and the case is being handled by: Law Offices of Scott R. Spindel 16255 Ventura Boulevard Suite 1018 Encino, California 91436 818-783-5200 (telephone) 818-783-5223 (facsimile) I would appreciate anyone letting me know any information they have about this case -- especially regarding the veracity of my information. _____________________________________________ |
"If you love wealth more than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, depart from us in peace. We ask not your counsel nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you. May your chains rest lightly upon you and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen."
--Samuel Adams
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